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(reconcile (poem))
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new oxygen will breathe<br>
new oxygen will breathe<br>
in you and out of me
in you and out of me
=== 2/13/19 ===
==== [[tea's promise (poem)]] ====
the promise of tea<br>
sometimes carries me<br>
as far as I go<br>
for the foretaste I know
=== 2/14/19 ===
==== [[day for love (poem)]] ====
a day for love, and love is kind<br>
love gives thanks with all the mind<br>
love sees what is best in you<br>
and thinks on that in rosy hue
==== [[catch me (poem)]] ====
''For F and Y''
catch me<br>
I won't hide away<br>
can't find me yet<br>
or not today<br>
I will come to you<br>
catch me, love<br>
I want you to
==== [[Foretaste (poem)]] ====
a foretaste of His perfect peace<br>
those moments despite everything<br>
when all is well and I feel strong<br>
when God has planned, I go along<br>
the trials come, but I can pass<br>
with song on lips, a painless class<br>
contentment fills me sweet and warm<br>
and I survive the raging storm<br>
with faith that morning light will come<br>
and all is well when said and done<br>
this peace, what must perfection be!<br>
if this is earth and heaven I see?
==== [[Prayers for the New Year 011 (poem)]] ====
my limbs awake<br>
my eyes go fresh<br>
as tea sinks in<br>
to morning flesh<br>
I raise my cup<br>
and drink to You<br>
please carry me<b>
and guide me through

Revision as of 08:51, 14 February 2019


January 2019


containered pain (poem)

For N

my breastbone aches
with containered pain
the new year comes
I cry in vain
all I want
is you again

of happy moments (poem)

happiness is not the sum
of happy moments that have come
nor everything that breaks the numb
shell around my heart, the sum
of smiles, of laughs, of memories made
with family on better days
happiness: a choice I make
regardless of the pain I face

hope splinters (poem)

bones break
porcelain cracks
hope splinters
but grows back

the world is tired (poem)

the world is tired
and aches besides
within me all
the universe hides

so I can shine
like stars of light
or fade away
the longest night

sky boats (poem)

boats to the heavens
skyward fly
I'll see their promise
by and by
the light so brilliant
before my eyes
from the ashes
I might rise

my biggest project (poem)

I'm not the pleasant person
that I used to be
I know my biggest project
is to get to work on me
because my heart is hurting
is the weakest pale excuse
somehow I must conquer
all my follies and misuse

the little stupid things (poem)

I care
about the little stupid things
the things that get under your skin
they seem to carry their wings
take off and fly in my eye
I swat them and keep going by
I care and it hurts and it bleeds
I try to forget all my needs
but sometimes it hurts and it aches
and sometimes it trembles and quakes

a flaw (poem)

I am not a self-promoter
this is stupid of me
it's not a flaw I'm unaware of
I'm not as good at some at writing
or anything really
and I'm not even as good right now as I was

it's not a lack of discipline, a lack of will
the troubles that plagued before do plague me still
I've spent too much of a year fraught and ill
and it seems too much to ask, please love me still

how to bleed (poem)

I have been damaged
I know how to bleed
but not how to staunch up
my wounds or to heed
the firing neurons, the pain in my head
I'm never enough and so trudge on instead

take solace (poem)

take solace in the winter rain
the icy mist, the snowy plain
the chilly air the heart makes warm
christmas lights glow in the storm

kisses goodnight (poem)

loving farewells
kisses goodnight
blessings of peace
turn out the light

starry skies (poem)

starry skies
wink bright above
eternal, but less
than Christ's love


Prayer for the New Year 001 (poem)

guard my steps and tongue today in all things
I want to live as Christ would have me do
teach me love and purity that Christ brings
speak to me and help me follow You

little birds (poem)

little birds flit
across the sky
ideas bright
within my mind

battle plans (poem)

battle plans rarely survive
the first hour of the day
I will not plan, yet will thrive
if in all things I pray

something inside (poem)

quiet me down
there's something inside
amenable to being soothed
don't pin me down
there's something I hide
once wakened, it cannot be soothed

a morning poem (poem)

a morning poem
stretches the heart
flexes the mind
off to good start

wisdom is (poem)

wisdom is knowing when to laugh
and when to stop laughing
wisdom is knowing when to jump
and when to stand there looking
wisdom is knowing when to feel
and when to stick to thinking
wisdom is knowing when to seek
and when you've found be thankful

Stress (poem)

Those little persnickety things I lose so easily
When I least expect it, tell me how
To keep them in my pocket that seems to be holey
As if it's trying to let bad humors out

like constellations (poem)

hope, like constellations in my heart
the starry skies below, once thought so dark
lit up with beams of visions and of dreams
they linger on and catch my eyes with gleams

deep in the eye (poem)

wake me up when it's over
I can sleep through a storm when I may
deep in the eye I lie waiting
and here is where I will stay
don't rouse me to ride like the thunder
or swirl about like the wind
I'll wait out the temper and wonder
just when we will do this again

of joy (poem)

joy is of the saints
'cause joy is with the Lord
those near, close to Him
shall have the fullest joy


Prayers for the New Year 002 (poem)

God on high, I pray Your light
Fill my heart and fill my sight
Overflow me with Your love
Teach me praise to rise above

Prayers for the New Year 003 (poem)

I pray the aid of Heaven
in all that must be done
to glorify the Father
by Him all battles won

dancing in your arms (poem)

broken pieces of my heart
hold you close, the music starts
a symphony begins to play
I cannot hold our love at bay

This Is One of Those Days (poem)

This is one of those days
When winter breaks the boughs from trees
My body's blown by a strong enough breeze
At home, I crash, it is release


the turning gears (poem)

the turning gears
the wise machine
between my ears
is ruled by me
revolving door
the feeling heart
my guiding hand
must stop and start

moments, masks (poem)

moments, masks, filtered through
hides, reveals, my heart shines through
upon my sleeve, so clear to you
hold me now and I'll hold you


this is what it feels like (poem)

this is what it feels like
everything all new
maybe sparkly, shiny
but I just want to see right through
to all the trials, battles
lurking 'round the way ahead
I will push on through them
will not turn around instead

crying (poem)

there's crying downstairs
it hurts my chest like my own tears do
it hurts my heart like my own fears do
I stay upstairs and do not cry


one cup for me (poem)

good morning, tea!
one cup for me
well, make it two
before adieu

we were here (poem)

speak love before you say goodbye
it's not like asking you to cry
just acknowledge reasons why
we were here before love dies

calculations (poem)

what matters the heart to a mind of cold calculations
I open my eyes; I am become mathematician
the heart is on fire: I cool its burning with song
for choices are mine, if so be I am strong

couplet for the river (poem)

the frozen river bubbles away below
waiting for a warmer day, less snow

push, push (poem)

sometimes I'm just so tired
the world once felt so new
now it feels like I'm wired
to just push, push, push through

moving (poem)

moving in the quiet
my nerve endings light up
the darkness is not quiet
not enough

hoping for perfection
screaming 'cause I'm not
the hope can keep me going
I'm in knots

keep me burning (poem)

For F and Y

touch me, catch me, keep me burning
light me up, my heart is yearning
always hold me close to you
every day and all night through


days go by (poem)

days go by
the open road
is traveled by
an open heart
my feet are like
the bounding deer
my heart can fly
for years and years

passion burns (poem)

For F and Y

sweetness yearns
passion burns
cross our swords
and throw our words
razor grins
the turns and spins
that bring me back
to you again

Prayers for the New Year 004 (poem)

keep my eyes on You, O God
keep me walking in Your love
teach my heart to fear Your name
my soul Your praise to e'er proclaim
Your peace depends on holding to
You in my mind and all I do

turn the page (poem)

turn the page
and then one more
the white and blank
is spread before
a willing mind
heart poised to write
so let unfold
dip pen in light

feel the warmth (poem)

a cup of tea
so comforting
I feel the warmth
inside of me
the smoothness on my tongue
when morning still feels young
the needles' edge, the sweet
the hint of tannin bark
I open up my mouth
and take into my heart

overflowed (poem)

my soul alight with hope and promise
joy will come with each new dawning
hope arise though trials yawning
their mouths overflowed by the flood of Your love

(haiku for thaw)

crackles and shivers
ice breaks off the eaves in time
heart and hands do thaw

don't you ever miss (poem)

For F and Y

don't you ever miss the warmth we shared
the way I turned to you when I was scared
it seemed that you were never unprepared
together all the things we hoped and dared
every hurt you felt, you know I cared
we did our best and it seemed we fared
well and happy for a time, I was ensnared
by no suspicion, you left me unaware
and now you're gone. did you ever care
don't you ever miss the warmth we shared

firebird (poem)

waters run down
it's the heat death of the universe
so don't look now
until we're born again

the tiny bird (poem)

hope is the tiny bird, fluttering in my chest
its wings beat against the inside of my heart
I open my mouth to speak, its song flies out

entwined (poem)

sold to the highest bidder
my love
cannot be bought for jewels
or gold
but with your heart, our worlds entwined
with this, I know, I'm yours
you're mine


(haiku for joy)

joy lurks in the depths
bubbling up, a spring of
cold and clear water

hope (poem)

some of us hope
the day's not over
my hope's got wings
and forever sings

full (poem)

fetch down
haul up
live full
full cup

want your love (poem)

For F and Y

Things that I want
And hopes that I keep
It's not a great mystery
It's not very deep
I just want your love
You held once for me
More than for him
It meant everything

moments like fireworks (poem)

For F and Y

moments like fireworks burst
behind my eyelids
I cannot see for light
cast in colors bright
every moment I used to share
with you, I feel right there


still (poem)

I am quiet, still
swirled around like water
keep me quiet, still
serenity is power


however long (poem)

happiness springs
like a well in one's soul
it can't just be given
but must be claimed whole
so hold out your hand
and reach for the light
never stop singing
however long the night

blood is flowing (poem)

I have good days and bad days
happiness on sad days
blood is always
flowing in my veins


(haiku for family night)

love is laughter late
before a bright screen; family
together again

(haiku for patience)

hope burns in my heart
joy rises with dawning sun
I with patience wait

no (poem)

red flags
no means no
if he ignores
it's time to go

the light (poem)

colors bright
I love the light
my gaze is fixed
'til faith is sight

until morning (poem)

quiet me gently
hold me with love
just stay here with me
until morning come

be fine (poem)

For SM

I will be fine
don't check my breath
or wait for my death
I'm breathing in fire
the flames are alive
I'm blood and I'm bone
can't end me tonight


everything known (poem)

I am quiet
in my heart, in my soul
everything past
is just everything known
go beyond
where no one will go
reach to the stars
and find they're home

earned this moment (poem)

For F and Y

I've been burned before
come find me
in the open door
you earned this
moment on the floor
we're dancing
as if it's what we planned

third time (poem)

For F and Y

third time's the charm
to keep me warm
to open my eyes
to hold through the storm
third time's the charm
at the end of the day
to know we're together
and won't walk away

how it will go (poem)

I wrote a poem today
though I didn't know quite what to say
isn't that how it will go
so often it feels like I know
this is the way we will run
remember me in the bright sun

just my best (poem)

I never promised a good one
just my best
I know I promised the moon
but gave you the rest
I hope in my dreams for it all
but I'm blessed


all my edges (poem)

Burnt at all my edges
I used to be a good girl
I'm praying on the ledges
Save me, pull me back, Lord


buried deep (poem)

The things I mean
and secrets keep
I pray that I
can go to sleep
and find in dreams
I buried deep
the love we lost
at cost too steep
Find me where our hearts still sigh
before we have to say goodbye


Teach Me (poem)

Teach me Your ways, O God of Heaven
Teach me to praise, O King of earth and
All my days, forever always

the tongues of winter (poem)

winter settled in my bones
audible sound of foreign phones
cold that shivers, ice that breaks
the difference just a season makes
speak the tongues of winter now
do not stop to wonder how


clean my soul (poem)

broken pieces of my heart
clean my soul in every part
do not let the dark escape
transmute my pain to something great

love can't stay (poem)

love is a memory, warm and full
within my heart, that memory grows
but love can't stay, just fade away
unless it blooms and I give it away

hope is (poem)

hope is the little bird singing
and the way my heart is beating
and the sunrise that is coming
the canvas of becoming

do you know love (poem)

For F and Y

tell me: do you know love
hold me; the night is long
listen, we two are strong
in unbroken bond belong

(haiku for breezes)

breezes through my hair
blow history and thought to
some faraway place

need for healing (poem)

I've been bruised and broken
but also have awoken
to need for healing touch
and kindness, love so much

I pray now (poem)

I breathe, my heart pounds
don't make a sound
I hope, I pray now
all's well somehow

one of those things (poem)

hope is one of those things
the heart breathes; the soul sings
the mind rides forth on love's wings
and faith will fill; the Son brings


The Way We Laughed (poem)

For F and Y

Have you forgotten the way we laughed
Sometime back in the distant past?
It aches in my heart, it breathes in my lungs
The joy and the love from when we were young

Hungry (poem)

I am hungry deep inside
Like a cavernous ocean trench
A maw that gapes so deep and wide
And swallows all, the teeth'll clench

easy to burn (poem)

so easy to burn
instead of to earn
reach up, try to build
there's hope for you still


Prayers for the New Year 005 (poem)

morning time, before they wake
the dreams of night I try to shake
God, help me fix my eyes on You
and keep them there the whole day through

for tea (poem)

a swirl of tea
a ribbon of heat
I patiently wait
for the morning's treat

Prayers for the New Year 006 (poem)

God, You are more than enough
Even when times get rough
Forgive my wandering heart
Draw me back to the start
Of Your love

three times 'round (poem)

three times 'round the cup
three times 'round for me
it's time to sip that fragrant tea
the life's that's pulsing in my bones
the air that breathes, the soul that knows
I drink it down and so it goes

on average (poem)

a powerful thing: on average
I keep the goal on average
I build it up on average
the discipline I need

the stairway (poem)

the stairway I climb
just step by step
it's painstaking
I cannot skip
but in the end
it's worth the trip

a dream of more (poem)

hope beats like pounding drum
a dream of more outweighs the sum
when every deed supports the thought
the heart concurs, the vision bought

what they say about castles (poem)

you know what they say about castles
don't build them up in the air
but look at the ones now standing
how do you think they got there

a hundred stories (poem)

If I was going to write a hundred stories
Set out with every one fixed in my mind
I think I should go chart a new trajectory
Than the one machete's like to find
The jungle's thick with a hundred new ideas
But take a look, consider what the kind
Should I go pave a road and level mountains
I'd want to leave a legacy behind


this I pray (poem)

For Sarah

heartfelt, sincerely, I wish you all joy
may Christ be your lamp and His hope be your buoy
let faith guide you surely, His love guard your way
His truth be your armor—all this I pray

Prayers for the New Year 007 (poem)

hello, new day
we hope, we pray
a bit of joy
might come our way
in Christ we week
His promised peace
pray through our trials
success increase

the river's dreams (poem)

white upon the river
snow upon the ice
below I hear the rushing
its dreams are passing by


Prayers for the New Year 008 (poem)

wake up my eyes, O God; let me see
the truth of my life and what's growing in me
wake up my heart, O God; help me believe
and live out Your promises now faithfully
wake up my soul, O God; fill me with light
guide me and keep You forever in sight

(haiku for refreshment)

cool, clean water runs
river down my throat—I breathe
spring has come at last


On Looking Back to the Start of the Year (poem)

I close my eyes
One month is gone
Each day that flies
A blur, a swan
Upon the surface
I looked too long

wish for love (poem)

the moon is bright
with stars tonight
I wish for love
to found my sight
I wish for joy
to live in me
and hope in Christ

February 2019


for rain (poem)

quiet, we hope for rain
the sound of its susurrations
to warm our hearts again
and wash away the pain
the murmur of cleanness coming
the hope of a brand new morning
we wait with our arms wide open
water sluicing our hearts

someone waits (poem)

For F and Y

someone waits on the bench for another
hands folded, anxious, it's been so long
the sun beats down, the shadows pass
the other comes, they sit, belong

nervous (poem)

knocked knees, hands sweat
anticipation now met
breathe deep, open mouth
let the words come flowing out

easy to want (poem)

so many easy things to want
claims upon my heart and my attention
to focus on the one is somehow brave
and let to fall away all bright distraction
I guide my heart and gaze in its affection

sunset brightness (poem)

golden promises
molten light
sunset brightness
'fore the night


in everything (poem)

holiness, to set myself apart
from all I want that is not of You
all the day, in everything I do

butterflies (poem)

fluttering wings
my heart beats
beneath my ribs
I breathe, I need

what I'd give (poem)

mornings come and evenings go
seasons fly and days move slow
what I'd give to finally know
the life I want, the hope I grow

Somebody (poem)

somebody tell me
which way the wind blows
which way the road goes
which way my heart knows
somebody tell me
You'll walk beside me
lead me and guide me
always abide me


the break of day (poem)

the morning's poem, the break of day
a light of lyric to hold its sway
I speak in picture and feel in rhymes
may heaven's mercy be on these times

on happiness (poem)

happiness dons the robe of peace
it walks in love, lets thanks increase
and notes with chiming rings of joy
all good things that trials alloy

lowly scribe (poem)

I am but a lowly scribe
both good and bad I may imbibe
the secret is to choose the good
and share it out to all who would

cast my cares (poem)

so much to do, so much to try
sometimes I'd like to hide and cry
but strength from Christ will carry through
if I will cast my cares on You

no words to say (poem)

the days I have no words to say
even then, take time to pray
and let my mutest sorrows earn
the path from me to You: I learn

like children (poem)

children clamber the saintly knee
or royal lap with impunity
the God of heaven invites us to
become like children and love renew

The Bridegroom (poem)

do not leave the Bridegroom at the altar
stretched out, the Lamb of God, with open arms
waiting for the marriage that He offers
to love forever and to save from harm
consider now the very Prince of Heaven
and pray return His love, accept the crown

count it gain (poem)

days can be cold and love can be pain
when trials come find you, then count it all gain
as you climb up the mountain and fight the good fight
you'll master yourself, don clothing of light

do we answer (poem)

the children cry but do we answer?
hear the questions, hear the pain
remember when you were a child
do not let them cry in vain

one (poem)

there is one God
and there is one road
that leads through this life
and reaches His throne
there is one Maker
and there is one Christ
only one way
out of darkness to light

some days I surprise (poem)

some days I surprise myself
I open pen and heart flows out

wisdom states (poem)

wisdom states, we all must learn
the lessons of self-mastery
and all receive the things we earn
of joy or pain, and things we need
to grow through trials; forests burn
the old and dead and on it feed
so with hope, we meet the turn
of circumstance with eyes that see

what birth (poem)

hey, hope is a thing
it takes root in my heart
like the seed of a flower
grows down in the dark
of the earth where it's warm
'til the water and light
whispers, now grow
draws it out of the night

I hope in my soul
like a butterfly's wings
molded in the cocoon
until the birth brings
all the pain and the trial
to shape them and spread
into glorious flight
and to stand in good stead

there is something to say
for the evening then day
for the push before gain
for what birth without pain

A Prayer for You (poem)

For S

May God hold you in His hand
I know He understands
He feels so far away
Like there's no need to pray
But God who made Himself
The image of your pain
Gave His life away
Just your life to gain
I hope for perfect peace
May in your life increase
I pray for joyful things
To find you and for wings
Of hope to raise you up
And love to fill your cup

they bleed (poem)

we hurt, we ache
our wounds, they bleed
we're made of hopes
we're shaped by need
the God above
who made us all
we hope he hears
us when we call
the earth could shake
the mountains fall
our hearts split open
our minds a squall
this storm shall pass
when in the eye
we reach for Christ
hold fast thereby

must bloom (poem)

within the desert, we must bloom
and be the brightness others see
I long for water, shade, and room
to be whate'er I want to be
but life sweeps all as with a broom
I make my own reality

upon the winds (poem)

eagle cry upon the winds
rise above the coming storm
carried by the tides of clouds
lightning dances far below
so I cry to God and rise
above the troubles plaguing me
by riding on the driving wave
of the strength in Christ I need
just to live another day
to wake, to stand, and then to be

Furtive Wings (poem)

I have written many things
And imagined many dreams
Given ideas furtive wings
Just to see what they might bring


Lord of Love (poem)

Christ alone, the Lord of love
Can overflow my heart enough
To wash away all fear and doubt
And make me joy to live without
These weak, small things that humans love
But all which pale against God's love

Notes to Self (poem)

I write so many notes to self
They mean a lot to me
To point out all I need to do
And be so honestly
Perhaps my prayers seem strong about
My abandoning
All that stands 'tween me and God
But that is no bad thing

Prayers for the New Year 009 (poem)

Once I was a little girl
I longed for certain things
A writer's pen, a perfect love
A heart that always sings
I write the words, I open mouth
Praise pours out in streams
But God above, that perfect love
And thanksgiving I need
So I pray again today
Please do this work in me

love bears (poem)

love bears upon her wings
the light of God that sees
the clearest vision brings
and conquers dark in me

The Path to Joy (poem)

The path to joy
Leads to the throne
The greatest love
The world has known
We enter in
By earnest praise
By seeing good
And giving thanks
What good to me
Is feeling pain
And only looking
When it rains
I also need
The glorious sun
I fix my sight
And so I run

small bird sings (poem)

a small bird sings
and does not ask
if others care
about this task


hence (poem)

sequences of events
that which flows
from seed it grows

we hope (poem)

we hope
though life is hard, we hope
though times are rough, we hope
we live, we learn, we sometimes earn
through steadfast faith
desire that burns
fulfilling of our hope

steady me through (poem)

I drink my tea
it's good for me
and then survey
the world I see
the heat is welcome
full and warm
steady me through
the coming storm

the balm (poem)

God my strength in trial
and God my help in pain
the balm amidst my sorrow
comfort my heart again

the gold (poem)

"buy of Me gold"
we see treasure untold
but tried in the fire
and the trials unfold

for we are the gold
in flames purified
'til we gleam and we shine
a light none can hide


moments of joy (poem)

moments of joy
find homes in my heart
I visit betimes
to breathe, then restart


enter in (poem)

joy in You the whole day through
the keys are praise and gratitude
I kneel, I pray, in heart always
and enter in Your Presence' gates

this cup of tea (poem)

tea will warm me when I'm cold
seems to reach right down to soul
I've heard this feeling in my hands
like touch my body understands
imitates the tenderness
of loving arms and faithfulness
there's no one here but only me
my loving God, and this cup of tea

Prayers for the New Year 010 (poem)

love, take root in my heart
and mercy within me sing
let forgiveness run in my veins
and thanksgiving be my wings

(haiku for tears)

crying under eaves
like in the secret garden
someone's lonely pain


to someone else (poem)

For F and Y

bits and pieces of myself
they don't belong to someone else
I give my broken heart away
in whole not part, that is my way

fill (poem)

For F and Y

build me up on broken pieces
from ruins does the city rise
fill my heart and fill my vision
for you are great within my eyes

sweetness (poem)

sweetness lies
in pleasant things
the grateful heart
what kindness brings
the giving hands
the warm embrace
compassion swift
and not misplaced
a listening ear
a heeding heart
sweetness borne
in every part

reconcile (poem)

For F and Y

a token of my trust
despite the stains of rust
new oxygen will breathe
in you and out of me


tea's promise (poem)

the promise of tea
sometimes carries me
as far as I go
for the foretaste I know


day for love (poem)

a day for love, and love is kind
love gives thanks with all the mind
love sees what is best in you
and thinks on that in rosy hue

catch me (poem)

For F and Y

catch me
I won't hide away
can't find me yet
or not today
I will come to you
catch me, love
I want you to

Foretaste (poem)

a foretaste of His perfect peace
those moments despite everything
when all is well and I feel strong
when God has planned, I go along
the trials come, but I can pass
with song on lips, a painless class
contentment fills me sweet and warm
and I survive the raging storm
with faith that morning light will come
and all is well when said and done
this peace, what must perfection be!
if this is earth and heaven I see?

Prayers for the New Year 011 (poem)

my limbs awake
my eyes go fresh
as tea sinks in
to morning flesh
I raise my cup
and drink to You
please carry me and guide me through