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  • Beloved
  • Notes on Grace
  • many, many drabbles


Chapter Titles

  • Giving Thanks is for the Giver
  • Only Works on Leviathins

Mama Ruth's Strays

  1. Cassie + Ryan
  2. the little girl who'd been sleeping in the library
  3. the orphan boy who had picked her pocket (Jean) but never dared to break the law again
  4. the street corner musician of nine years old (Skip)
  5. the grocery store child (Noah)
  6. the abandoned second cousin whose parents thought a school was sufficient to raise him (Justin)
  7. the girl with the violin who couldn't play to save her life (Emily, based on MM from ACSR — or not)

Left home one by one, then Ryan and Cassie to college, then Jean

Tren's Story - Scenes

  • Chaz scene in the kitchen with his mom
  • Cassie drags Red into helping her shovel, asks him to the Christmas party
  • You think I didn't care. No, never that. // You weren't necessary. // — Skip + Cassie
  • the strays for Christmas — CJ shows up after Tren is already up to here with troubleshooting: you used a beta?! don't knock the beta, Kenya protested with a laugh
  • Sarah catches the two after class, asking why Tren didn't make it, Chaz just listens carefully; thus beings life skills class training
  • Sarah seeks Kiennan's commiseration, also invited for Christmas
  • Chaz asks Tren to stay over (not a permanent solution)
  • My father likes to break things.