Challenge: Daily Poetry 2019

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January 2019


sky boats (poem)

boats to the heavens
skyward fly
I'll see their promise
by and by
the light so brilliant
before my eyes
from the ashes
I might rise

my biggest project (poem)

I'm not the pleasant person
that I used to be
I know my biggest project
is to get to work on me
because my heart is hurting
is the weakest pale excuse
somehow I must conquer
all my follies and misuse

the little stupid things (poem)

I care
about the little stupid things
the things that get under your skin
they seem to carry their wings
take off and fly in my eye
I swat them and keep going by
I care and it hurts and it bleeds
I try to forget all my needs
but sometimes it hurts and it aches
and sometimes it trembles and quakes

a flaw (poem)

I am not a self-promoter
this is stupid of me
it's not a flaw I'm unaware of
I'm not as good at some at writing
or anything really
and I'm not even as good right now as I was

it's not a lack of discipline, a lack of will
the troubles that plagued before do plague me still
I've spent too much of a year fraught and ill
and it seems too much to ask, please love me still