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Superhero temp agency for non-crime fighting purposes

Superhero temp agency for non-crime fighting purposes is an awesome concept.

Kingdoms and Thorn maybe?


100 words of heroes being unexpectedly enslaved by their friends

"What the—!?"

"This is for your own good," Tony said reasonably, if he could be called reasonable about anything, especially when there were half the Avengers tied up as a robot pricked them with…

"Chips," he explained. "See, we have to serve the greater good and the government demanded accountability and the other option was for them to lock all of you away, and I couldn't let that happen."

"Stark," more than one voice said it in unison, one livid, one firm.

"Aye, captain?" Tony aimed at the firm one.

"What do these chips do?"

"They're controllers."

For slaves.

100 words of kneeling

Skylight doesn't kneel to anyone, even metaphorically, that isn't Wolf or that Wolf didn't lend her into their hands for a little while. She doesn't bow, doesn't obey, just furrows her brows and pits her mind against this man standing over her, hand on his neck, chains on her limbs, thinking he can rule her.

She shrugs, a nothing gesture. Silver fluid rises up inside her, flows down over her arms. She hates her own ability to amputate, but she has no difficulty using it. When the fluid hits his hands, he curses and cries and draws back bloody stumps.

100 words of huddling for warmth

It was way too cold, Ice Queen thought to herself, teeth clenched, hugging herself tightly.

Skylight dropped into the trench beside her, gunpowder scent clinging to her clothes. She took Ice Queen in with a glance and barely raised brow, then settled in close beside her and wrapped one arm around Ice Queen's shoulder.

"Don't fall asleep."

"I'm too cold to sleep," Ice Queen bit back, then swore under her breath.

Skylight was used to the cussing. She ignored it. "You get too cold to stay awake."

But she didn't, not with Skylight there, holding her until their extraction came.

100 words of tied/tying up

The ropes around his wrists were tight, not that he expected less from Ice Queen. He could hear her sharp, biting accent now from around the corner somewhere.

She wouldn't break cover for him. Augment knew that, but it meant he had to be very careful when he sawed the rope against a rock because she wasn't going to save him if she caught him at it.

He pressed backward and found empty air, then strained to look over his shoulder. He was in the very middle of the empty, spacious cavern.

It was going to be a long night.