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Full Title

Collected Excerpts of the Histories of the Kingdoms and Thorn, Volume I that is the Thorn Republic and the Kingdoms Cities of the Western Territories on the Lesser Continents. With Explanatory Notes.

Abridged to omit various objectionable material and excerpts with less general significance.


R.Y. 228 / K.Y. 7 and before


Wary (drabble), 100 words, Skylight & Edin, republican year 228 • kingdoms year 7, late spring

Katia wasn't what Edin had expected. Her sister, Anadia, had always been bright and bubbly and enthusiastic and she scooped up the dark-haired child in her arms with as much brightness as ever.

"Hello, Katia. This is my sister, Edin. She'll be your aunt."

Katia stared at Edin from the safety of Anadia's arms, quiet and solemn, big eyes dark and curious, but they were the only part of her that moved, and there was a wary uncertainty to the girl already.

"Were her parents good to her?" Edin found herself asking.

"No one knows," Anadia answered.

Katia stayed quiet.


Childhood (drabble), 100 words, Team 95 Ensemble, republican year 228 • kingdoms year 7, early summer

This was childhood: a tiny girl with ice-blonde hair curling one hand around her chosen protector's arm, which belonged to another little girl. Those who gathered around them—lightning burning over closed fists, oxygen shivering in and out of gasping lungs, spiking agonies of other's thoughts, and pain at the energy sealed shut and lanced open within them because control was not yet theirs. They were small, they were children, and their leader was among the youngest of them all.

They paired off, wound hands together as they slept fitfully in military beds, finding comfort that they were not alone.

Not a Chance

Not a Chance (drabble, 100 words, Team 52, republican year 228 • kingdoms year 7, early summer

"Golden," Ice's second began with a toss of her golden hair, "is a decent name. It fits. I'll wear it. But…"

"Red isn't bad for a nickname," his sixth added with arch amusement. "But you can't name us all after our hair colors."

She looked pointedly at his third, who had crossed his arms and was downright glaring.

His third huffed. "I absolutely draw the line at being called Almond."

"It's a nice color," Ice said lamely.

"Awww." Golden smirked. "But we could've nicknamed you Nutty."

The boy not named Almond threw a pillow at Golden's head while she snickered.

Who Choose to Follow

Who Choose to Follow (scene), 328 words Bridge & Skylight, republican year 228 • kingdoms year 7, early summer

"Trouble sleeping?" Dream Speaker was a dark shadow on a dark night.

Silver shrugged at him from her spot curled up on a chair in one of their few common areas. The cafeteria and atrium were too big and empty to be comfortable, especially considering the surveillance, and the waiting area for medical held too many unpleasant associations. Training rooms were for training. This was a mission prep area, and she had selected several intel files to familiarize herself with, despite the late hour.

Dream Speaker just sighed and settled on the arm of her chair, drawing a raised eyebrow and flat-mouthed stare.

He grinned down at her, then sobered abruptly, white smile disappearing from his brown face, shadowed again by the lack of more light than one small lamp behind her. "You know, when Wolf asked if she was your leader, she didn't mean she'd give you up if you didn't obey."

Silver flicked her gaze upward but didn't move or otherwise react. She waited until the silence was a knife edge of tension between them, and he had to sigh again.

"She meant if you chose to follow, then follow." He studied her, hopeful open expression written across his friendly features. Dream Speaker hadn't lost that friendliness yet in the life that had been forced upon them. He didn't act as though his world had been stripped down to bare necessity and harsh choices.

"I do," she said at last, quietly.

Dream Speaker studied her, her own face enough in the light for him to see whatever it was he was looking for. Finally, he nodded and put his hand on her shoulder, an unwelcome gesture from any but her own team. He was her own team.

"I know you do," he answered. "So does she."

For a moment, they didn't speak, but the space between them was warm before Silver dropped her gaze back to her files and Dream Speaker rose to head for bed.

Let Me Forget

Let Me Forget (scene), 305 words, Arc & Skylight, republican year 228 • kingdoms year 7, winter

"Arc?" Skylight's voice came quietly out of the dark in their room, a faint tone of concern in the word.

Arc sat up and looked across to Skylight's bed. She could see her roommate in the sputtering blue glow of electricity fritzing in and out across her own skin, see Skylight's dark furrowed brows, her long braid looking black as it fell behind her into shadow. Skylight was named for light, but it was Arc that put on a light show without even trying.

Arc focused, watched the blue settle into a steady glow as it danced over her hands. "I'm fine," she said tightly. Never mind the tears she'd been shedding before Skylight broke in.

They were both still just little girls. Skylight's skepticism was painted brazenly across her face and those expressive eyebrows, both up, one higher than the other. Arc wondered if her not fineness was as open on her own face.

"I can't stop thinking." Couldn't stop remembering. She felt small and alone, only more because she knew what it was to have mother and father draw her into their arms, their laughter as they told her stories before bed. "I miss my parents."

Skylight stared at her for a long moment, face a mask in the dim blue. Her brows lifted, eyes a little wistful. "I think it'd be nice to remember."

Arc stared at her, stomach churning as she imagined yawning emptiness where all her memories hid, imagined Skylight knowing nothing at all about who she used to be, not even her name.

"No," she whispered, unable to stop the word from spilling out her mouth, unable even with Skylight's gaze sharpening on hers. "It's better to forget."

She couldn't keep the bitterness from her voice and didn't try. She rolled over, fists clenching to drown out the light.