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Dragons on Kareios

Dragon Population on an Earth-Sized Planet with a 519-Day Year

presuming a planet with a 519 day year and sixteen months, possibly slightly larger than earth as it is home to a sizable population of native dragons who can grow to 700 ft long, what differences would be present or necessary such that this is still an earthlike world as far as those living on it are concerned? can you extrapolate important figures for it?

In order for a planet to have a 519-day year and be home to dragons up to 700 feet long while still being Earth-like, several key differences and adjustments would be necessary:

1. Orbital period: The planet would need to orbit its star at a greater distance than Earth to have a longer year. This would affect the amount of solar radiation received and the planet's temperature.

2. Size and mass: To support larger creatures like dragons, the planet would likely need to be larger than Earth. This would result in higher gravity, which would impact the biology of native species, including humans.

3. Atmosphere: A denser atmosphere with a higher oxygen content might be necessary to support the respiratory needs of giant dragons and provide sufficient lift for their flight.

4. Geology and landscape: Larger mountains, canyons, and caves would be needed to accommodate the size of the dragons. The planet's crust might need to be thicker to support their weight.

5. Ecology: The food chain would need to be adapted to support the energy requirements of large dragons. This might include gigantic prey species or alternative food sources.

Important figures for this hypothetical planet:

- Radius: Approximately 8,000 km (1.25 times Earth's radius) - Mass: Around 2.44 times Earth's mass - Surface gravity: About 1.25 times Earth's gravity - Atmosphere: 35% oxygen content (compared to Earth's 21%) - Average temperature: Similar to Earth's, assuming the planet is in the habitable zone of its star - Highest mountain: Possibly around 15 km tall (compared to Earth's 8.8 km) - Largest canyon: Potentially 3-4 times the size of the Grand Canyon

Keep in mind that these figures are speculative and would need to be balanced against each other to create a coherent and habitable world. The presence of dragons and the planet's size would have significant implications for the evolution and ecology of all species on the planet.


would human migrants from earth who colonise earth-sized worlds be unaffected by the gravitational history of their ancestors? this larger world is Kareios, the birthplace of humanity in the story, so while I don't intend to write much about Kareios yet, I want humans to still be ordinary human once they've migrated away

In this case, if Kareios is the birthplace of humanity, the humans living there would have evolved under the planet's higher gravity conditions. As a result, they might have developed adaptations such as denser bones, stronger muscles, and different cardiovascular systems to cope with the increased gravitational stress.

However, when these humans migrate to Earth-sized worlds with lower gravity, they would likely experience physiological changes over time. The adaptations that were beneficial on Kareios might not be necessary or even detrimental on planets with lower gravity.

Some potential effects on humans migrating from Kareios to Earth-sized worlds:

1. Bone density: Humans from Kareios might experience a gradual decrease in bone density due to the reduced gravitational load on their skeletons.

2. Muscle mass: Muscles that were developed to cope with higher gravity might atrophy to some extent, as they would not need to work as hard in lower gravity environments.

3. Cardiovascular system: The heart and blood vessels adapted to higher gravity might function differently in lower gravity, potentially leading to temporary issues with blood pressure regulation.

4. Height: Future generations born on Earth-sized worlds might grow taller due to the reduced gravitational compression on their spines.

Over time, as the human population on Earth-sized worlds grows and reproduces, their physiology would likely adapt to the new gravity conditions. After several generations, the descendants of the original Kareios migrants would be physiologically similar to ordinary humans as we know them, with their Kareios-adapted features gradually diminishing.

To maintain consistency in your story, you could mention that the human migrations from Kareios happened long ago, allowing sufficient time for their physiology to adapt to the Earth-sized worlds they now inhabit.


would it be plausible to tweak any other figures on Kareios that might bring the gravity slightly down? yes or no is fine, just want to check

Yes, it would be plausible to tweak other figures on Kareios to bring the gravity slightly down. Some possible adjustments include:

1. Reducing the planet's mass: By decreasing the mass of Kareios while keeping its size relatively similar, you could lower the surface gravity.

2. Increasing the planet's size: If you increase the radius of Kareios without proportionally increasing its mass, the surface gravity would decrease, as gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center of the planet.

3. Adjusting the planet's composition: By altering the composition of Kareios, such as increasing the proportion of less dense materials in its core or mantle, you could potentially lower its overall density and, consequently, its surface gravity.

Keep in mind that these adjustments would need to be balanced with other factors to maintain a habitable environment for humans and dragons alike. Tweaking these figures slightly could help bring the gravity closer to Earth's while still allowing for the unique features of Kareios, such as its larger size and the presence of giant dragons.


what effects would the mass adjustment habe on other factors as you mentioned?

Adjusting the mass of Kareios to lower its gravity would have several effects on other planetary factors:

1. Escape velocity: A lower mass would result in a lower escape velocity, making it easier for gases to escape the planet's atmosphere. This could lead to a thinner atmosphere over time if not balanced by other factors such as volcanic outgassing or a strong magnetic field to protect the atmosphere from solar wind.

2. Atmospheric pressure: A lower mass might result in a lower atmospheric pressure at the surface, which could affect the planet's climate and the ability of large creatures like dragons to fly. You would need to ensure that the atmosphere remains dense enough to support flight and maintain a suitable climate for life.

3. Plate tectonics: The planet's mass influences the behavior of its mantle and the dynamics of plate tectonics. Changing the mass could affect the rate of plate movement, the frequency of seismic activity, and the formation of surface features like mountains and valleys.

4. Magnetic field: The mass of a planet can influence the generation of its magnetic field, which is important for protecting the atmosphere from solar wind and cosmic radiation. A lower mass might result in a weaker magnetic field, so you would need to consider this when balancing the planet's other properties.

5. Orbital dynamics: Changing the mass of Kareios would affect its gravitational interaction with other bodies in its solar system, such as its star and any neighboring planets or moons. This could influence the stability of its orbit and the likelihood of orbital resonances or other phenomena.

To maintain a habitable environment on Kareios while adjusting its mass, you would need to carefully balance these factors. For example, you could introduce a higher proportion of radioactive elements in the planet's core to maintain a strong magnetic field, or adjust the composition of the atmosphere to ensure sufficient pressure and density for flight and climate regulation. The key is to make sure that any changes to the planet's mass are accompanied by corresponding adjustments to other properties to keep Kareios a suitable home for humans, dragons, and other life forms.